More on Stretch or Strengthen

Continuing the topic of my last blog, I would like to explore other muscle groups to stretch or strengthen.

One muscle that get very tight on many people are the upper trapezius. When you see someone walking around with their shoulders raised to their ears - chances are their Upper Trapezius is very tight. Many people hold their stress in this area. In between the 2 shoulder blades are the Rhomboid muscles. Chances are these muscles are weak if your upper traps are tight. An excellent exercise to strengthen the Rhomboids is bent over rows with a flex band or weights.

To execute this exercise, stand with legs together, knees slightly bent and your upper body flexed forward at the hips. Hold your dumbbells in your hands with your arms long and infront of your body. Inhale to prepare. Exhale as you pull your elbows back and slightly squeeze your shoulder blades together while trying to draw them down you back. If you feel pressure in your neck, your weights may be too heavy and your upper traps are taking over. You should feel your muscles between your shoulder blades (rhombiods) engaging without discomfort in your neck area.

To stretch your Upper trapezius, bend your right elbow and place your hand against your back. Grasp your right wrist or hand from behind with your left arm and pull your right arm to opposite side. Tilt your head to the left bringing your left ear towards your left shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

My next blog will explore the Pectorial muscles and the middle and lower trapezius.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this blog please email me at
