Never Say Never

Well I was caught doing something I said I would never do again - yes.. run. After many injuries effecting, knees, psoas, hamstrings and calves, I just didn't think running was worth the rehab afterwards. So I announced to everyone who was listening that I would never run again. A wise women (yes you Jacquie), told me to never say never. Well I was certain I would never be tempted again. During one of my long walks I ran up a hill. Thats all it took - I was craving the feeling you get after a good run. I have been secretly running for about 3 weeks and was caught by one of my friends running down the same path towards me. Of course he yells as he runs by my "I though you weren't running anymore". So now I am coming clean. I am sticking to running 5 - 6km for a month and see how it goes - so far to good. I have been very ridged with stretching after warming up for 5 minutes and stretching completely after my run. Today I realized why I love it so much. The Niagara Region is so beautiful especially on a day like today. Its cool out no wind and the air feels and smells so clean. All of us from Niagara are so blessed to have the amazing paths, trails and parks available to us. Not sure if I'm up to competing again but I will never say never again.
